

导演:Andrew Leman
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The Call of Cthulhu, written in 1926 by H.P Lovecraft is a central piece in the horror-genre. Lovecraft renewed Horror with his style and ideas. Many have tried to adapt his books to the big screen, but none has been as successful as the HPLHS who just recently completed their black and white silent version of Call of Cthulhu. Not only did they attempt to make a faithful and creepy adaptation, but also to make it look as if it was made in the time of Lovecraft. The movie is blessed with terrific actors who all seem like they genuinely care about the portrayal of the story. All performances are top notch which signifies that the actors are very talented as well as great directing on part of Andrew Leman. This is truly one of the great strengths of Call of Cthulhu. The movie has a really authentic 1920ties feel to it. The producers have payed much attention to detail; so everything looks and feels genuine. Another strong point. The adaptation itself is magnificent. Never before have I seen such a faithful adaption of any Lovecraft-story in my entire life. Nothing is rushed, its all there and even though the movie is only 45 minutes long it is just as good at telling the story as Lovecraft himself. The movie is full of special effects, stop motion animation and so forth. This movie is low budget and independent; and yes Universal studios would be able to create more convincing effects, but that is entirely unessential to this film as it is made to fit the 1920ties era. If Cthulhu himself were made with fancy computer animation the movie would have failed at its objective; to be faithful to the silent-movie genre. To be honest I love the effects in Call of Cthulhu. They strengthen the feel of authenticity and you never miss the big and pointless explosions that mainstream cinema offers. I would personally recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in HP Lovecraft, Horror, Independent films and vintage films. It truly is remarkably good. Ive already watched it three times, and I love it more for each time. I hope youll enjoy it as much as I have.


  • 在国外,莫名想看克苏鲁的呼唤,看到MattFoyer,JohnBolen,RalphLucas,ChadFifer,SusanZucker,KalafaticPoole这个阵容本来还是有点小期待。结果,哎...很是失望,奇奇怪怪尴尴尬尬,剧情也一言难尽...虽然现在都在拍主旋律都在拍正剧,但也不能这种充数,演员和剧本还是硬功夫。什么时候我们也能拍出那种能够真正吸引人的剧呢?
  • 题材大胆、现实立意深刻,抓住社会痛点,剧本扎实。美国在影视创方面的确很厉害,希望恐怖片多来点这种影视剧,强烈安利大家这部《克苏鲁的呼唤》。
  • 《克苏鲁的呼唤》可太精彩了。前部分就爆了,好爽。节奏很好,有反转感,不错。期待导演Andrew,Leman后续给力点,多拍点这种片子。
  • Andrew,Leman拍的的《克苏鲁的呼唤》,从剧情风格到配色配音我本人并不太喜欢,但不得不说,会抄也是一种本事,这部电影至少比某些天马行空胡乱自创影楼装服饰满天飞的剧要好的多。
  • 《克苏鲁的呼唤》的演员表演都很自然,剧情和人物也比较合理,没有太多的刻板印象,特别是在人物塑造上非常好,尤其是演员MattFoyer 饰演的人物特别到位。



    爱奇艺网友:电影《克苏鲁的呼唤》讲述了The Call of Cthulhu, written in 1926 by H.P Lovecraft is a central piece in the horror-genre. Lovecraft renewed Horror with his style and ideas. Many have tried to adapt his books to the big screen, but none has been as successful as the HP......的故事
    腾讯视频网友:最近《克苏鲁的呼唤》上映了,没想到制作方非常地慷慨,一来就 放全集,观众们可以一口气从第一集看到大结局。这部剧中演员们的高颜值是一大亮点之外,它里面的台词也非常的搞笑啊!台词沙雕中带着可爱。
    优酷视频网友:是的,目前《克苏鲁的呼唤》2020-12-31 13:49:00更新。具体总集数可以去百度问答看看。






